How To Pick Out Your First Motorcycle: Size, Style, And Terrain

25 September 2018
 Categories: , Blog


There are a lot of important things to take into consideration when you are about to buy your first motorcycle from a place like a Harley Davidson dealer. If you have recently taken a test for your motorcycle license and you have passed and you're looking to buy a bike of your own, then it is important to know which bike is best for you to choose. Buying a bike is a big investment, so you want to make sure that you choose the right one. You don't want to get something that is too expensive nor something that is not going to suit your needs. Therefore it is really important that you look into a few different factors before you go out and make a big purchase on a bike only to realize that you've spent money on something that isn't really what you need. Here are the three main things you should look into.


The size of the motorcycle is really important. And when we talk about size, we are talking about a few different things. First, the actual physical size of the motorcycle. If you want something small and easy to park (if you're a city driver and plan on parking on the street) then you might want to steer clear of really large motorcycles that are designed for touring on the highway. You might want something more streamlined like the Speedster model from Harley Davidson. The second thing to look into is the size of the engine. If you get a really large engine, it might be too powerful. So check out the CC size and make sure you're getting enough power for your needs, but not too much.


The next question you need to answer before heading out and looking at bikes is what style you will want. You want something that is really nice looking, of course, but you should also decide the exact category you should look for. Are you someone who wants a speed bike, one of those sporty models that zip around the highway? Or do you want something that is more of a touring bike? This can help you decide which models and dealers you should approach.


The type of terrain you are going to be driving on is a big issue when it comes to buying a bike. You don't want to buy a bike that is designed for off-roading if you are only ever planning on driving on the highway and vice versa. There are some bikes you can get where you can do both (you just have to make sure you get a bike that is designed for both on and off road; these are sometimes called dual sport).